Monday, December 1, 2008


Do we really know where our values reside and whether they are values and not a hidden selfishness?

As I read today’s story I was in and out of support for the lady and her tale of emotional turmoil. But why would I swap and be with her one moment then opposing her another?

These are the challenges we face every day. It is a case of structuring a formula that sees the dilemma and resolves it. Wisdom and Philosophy being the structure of course. Rather than work out an explanation and determine the ultimate answer, with the intensity and quality that Wisdom can give you; you act from an inner sense and work out the explanation afterwards.

The story is entitled ‘Change’ but ultimately the lady isn’t going to change, so it could have easily been called ‘Not Changing’. I sense the lady is justifying her decision to go with her thoughts about life, but only she will know if it’s the right decision. The story has an immense value as it appears to explain how we approach every daily dilemma. We see it, we act … to read the full article, please follow this link:

Online Wisdom

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Self Development


Why do we choose to accept a first impression?

It seems that we have grown up with accepting them and therefore it becomes a habitual act. This accepting a habitual act alone proves how many other aspects of our life can be clouded by judgements made from assumptions.

Is accepting a first impression actually the first impression? More often than not it is the second impression. The first impression is a gut feeling that we discard incorrectly.

I was out shopping with the family over the weekend and

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How to Solve Problems

 We solve problems by dipping into our knowledge and experience and producing an answer.
 Most adults will have the chance of experience as it happens directly in front of them each day. As for knowledge few choose to gather any more; as a consequence they will always be disadvantaged.
 To search for knowledge need not be tiresome, in a day of MEASURE there is always room for study.
 A measured day equals a measure life. Measure allows abundance to flow and happiness to flourish.

To read the full article please follow this link:

Words of Wisdom

Saturday, November 8, 2008

100 Self Esteem Tips


First it is important to understand the exact meaning of ‘Self-Esteem’. The Oxford English Dictionary definition is:

“One’s good opinion of one-self.”

What in essence we are trying to achieve with these 100 ways is to trigger a way back to a happy and contented state of mind.

Many people, and the psychology profession wouldn’t be able to survive without them, use the process of improving SELF-ESTEEM as an important step to the development of feeling good about one-self again.

This pathway back to a ‘good sense of worth’ may not be achieved with these 100 ways alone, but we can assure you that you will have been elevated sufficiently to see what’s required next.

Allow me to just illustrate with a little story how we underestimate our worth: … to read the full article, please follow this link:

100 Self Esteem Tips

Solving Problems


For you; what is a problem? Is a problem just another noose around your neck, or is it a blessing in disguise?

I guess the appropriate answer is how you perceive it to be. That perception is generally determined by the emotion you’re in at that moment.

A change in perception can change the whole view of a problem. Today’s story illustrates the same principle but calls it an adjustment in attitude.

As a few small problems seem to follow on from each other, is this not a sign that you’re not fully in control? You’re beginning to drift into the wrong emotion and no amount of effort will prevent further calamities.

We cannot prevent this shift of emotion, but we can ... to read the full article, please follow this link:

Wisdom Online

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama's Victory - Good or Bad?

Politicians are notorious for breaking promises, but in Obama’s defense he does look both sincere and honest. As a ’white’ person I’m all for powerful speeches and words that change the world. I wish him all the best, yet he will be in for a rough ride I am sure.


Martin Luther’s famous quote “… I have a dream … that some day our children will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character … “


Obama has some big footprints to follow. On November 5th 2008 I hope his wisdom and philosophies transform both the US and the World.


For more Wisdom, please follow this link:


Leadership Wisdom

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Impressions v Intuition

To improve our self development we need introduce a goodness that prevents the proverbial first impression being accepted. Making assumptions means that you are taking risks, and taking risks causes heartache and problems.
When you first see a tramp you show immediate empathy and sorrow; and only then do you put up your guard and make the recognizable ‘first impression’.
The more you assume the more you are making decisions without the full facts. This leads to inaccuracies in your life; you’ll be continually going over ground you’ve already trodden.

To read the full article, please follow this link: Intuition

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wisdom and Practical Philosophy

Here is your Tuesday STORY on:


The biggest test anyone can have to aid self development is to observe how they overcome problems.

Firstly problems seem to have a never ending supply of energy and occur throughout each day. These facts we cannot alter; but we can change the way we face them.

Instead of fearing the next problem, face it with clarity of mind. Such sharpness will take the sting out of the problem and then the remainder of the difficulty will be easy to resolve.

Okay… I’m aware such suggestions are obvious, but the point remains valid because we rarely put such succinct advice into practice.

I’ve been tussling with a wobbly toilet seat for the last few months. I replaced the seat but the same problem arose again. I introduced an extra washer to the hinges in the early stages to add a bit of strength; or so I thought. The washers turned out to be too big and didn’t lay flat to the underside of the toilet basin, thus allowing the toilet seat to move slightly until it became loose.

Continually frustrated with the continuing occurrence of this problem I bought some new hinges. Strangely I had a gap in by daily schedule that allowed a two hour period of time should I need it. This allowed the task some clarity as I wasn’t trying to fit repairing the toilet seat into ten minutes.

Bingo! Allowing slack in my day had given me the clarity to see how and why the toilet seat was becoming loose. Beforehand I was trying to tighten the seat from above the toilet working blind. I find the time to look underneath to see the fastening procedure; of which I’d assumed fastened in a particular way before. Simple but now back in perfect working order. Time taken: ten minutes.

No extra time is needed just to focus your full attention. Try it on the smaller problems and see the success; you’ll be glad you did.


I find what I look for in people. If I look for God, I find God. If I look for bad qualities, I find them. I, in a sense, select what I expect, and I receive it. A life without challenges would be like going to school without lessons to learn. Challenges come not to depress or get me down, but to master and to grow and to unfold thereby.

In the Father's wise and loving plan for me, no burden can fall upon me, no emergency can arise, no grief can overtake me, before I am given the grace and strength to meet them.

A rich, full life is not determined by outer circumstances and relationships. These can be contributory to it, but cannot be the source. I am happy or unhappy because of what I think and feel.

I can never lose anything that belongs to me, nor can I posses what is not really mine.

To never run from a problem: either it will chase me or I will run into another just like it, although it may have a different face or name.

To have no concern for tomorrow. Today is the yesterday over which I had concern.

To never bang on a closed door: Wait for it to open and then go through it.

A person who has come into my life has come either to teach me something, or to learn something from me.

(Unknown Author)

QUOTE: "Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement." (Henry Ford, 1863-1947, Founder of the Ford Motor Company)

Wisdom and Philosophy

How to be Happy